

You can find here anything that is related to the Nhite development and core engine. »

From command line tools to microservices - The example of Hashicorp tools (terraform) and gRPC

This article has been originally published on Olivier Wulveryck’s blog This post is a little bit different from the last ones. As usual, the introduction tries to be open, but it quickly goes deeper into a go implementation. Some of the explanations may be tricky from time to times and therefore not very clear. As usual, do not hesitate to send me any comment via this blog or via twitter @owulveryck. »

Terraform is hip... Introducing Nhite

This post is has been originally published on Olivier Wulveryck’s Tech Blog. In a previous post, I did some experiments with gRPC, protocol buffer and Terraform. The idea was to transform the “Terraform” cli tool into a micro-service thanks to gRPC. This post is the second part of the experiment. I will go deeper in the code and see if it is possible to create a brand new utility, without hacking Terraform. »

Architecture diagrams

sequenceDiagram participant Client participant Nhite participant Backend participant TerraformLib Client-Nhite: push Nhite-Backend: push Nhite-Client: ID Client-Nhite: plan ID Nhite-Backend: Get ID Nhite-Nhite: cd ID Nhite--TerraformLib: commands/plan.go Nhite-Client: result Client-Nhite: apply ID Nhite-Backend: Get ID Nhite-Nhite: cd ID Nhite--TerraformLib: commands/apply.go Nhite-Client: result »