Terraform is hip... Introducing Nhite

This post is has been originally published on Olivier Wulveryck’s Tech Blog.

In a previous post, I did some experiments with gRPC, protocol buffer and Terraform. The idea was to transform the “Terraform” cli tool into a micro-service thanks to gRPC.

This post is the second part of the experiment. I will go deeper in the code and see if it is possible to create a brand new utility, without hacking Terraform. The idea is to import some of the packages that compose the binary and create my own service based on gRPC.

The Terraform structure

Terraform is a binary utility written in go. The main package resides in the root directory of the terraform directory. As usual with go projects, all other subdirectories are different modules.

The whole business logic of Terraform is coded into the subpackages. The “main” package is simply an envelop for kick-starting the utility (env variables, etc.) and to initiate the command line.

The cli implementation

The command line flags are instantiated by Mitchell Hashimoto’s cli package. As explained in the previous post, this cli package is calling a specific function for every action.

The command package

Every single action is fulfilling the cli.Command interface and is implemented in the command subpackage. Therefore, every “action” of Terraform has a definition in the command package and the logic is coded into a Run(args []string) int method (see the doc of the Command interface for a complete definition.

Creating a new binary

The idea is not to hack any of the packages of Terraform to allow an easier maintenance of my code. In order to create a custom service, I will instead implement a new utility; therefore a new main package. This package will implement a gRPC server. This server will implement wrappers around the functions declared in the terraform.Command package.

For the purpose of my POC, I will only implement three actions of Terraform:

  • terraform init
  • terraform plan
  • terraform apply

The gRPC contract

In order to create a gRPC server, we need a service definition. To keep it simple, let’s consider the contract defined in the previous post (cf the section: Creating the protobuf contract). I simply add the missing procedure calls:

syntax = "proto3";

package pbnhite;

service Terraform {
    rpc Init (Arg) returns (Output) {}
    rpc Plan (Arg) returns (Output) {}
    rpc Apply (Arg) returns (Output) {}

message Arg {
    repeated string args = 2;

message Output {
    int32 retcode = 1;
    bytes  stdout = 2;
    bytes stderr = 3;

Fulfilling the contract

As described previously, I am creating a grpcCommand structure that will have the required methods to fulfill the contract:

type grpcCommands struct {}

func (g *grpcCommands) Init(ctx context.Context, in *pb.Arg) (*pb.Output, error) {
func (g *grpcCommands) Plan(ctx context.Context, in *pb.Arg) (*pb.Output, error) {
func (g *grpcCommands) Apply(ctx context.Context, in *pb.Arg) (*pb.Output, error) {

In the previous post, I have filled the grpcCommand structure with a map filled with the command definition. The idea was to keep the same CLI interface. As we are now building a completely new binary with only a gRPC interface, we don’t need that anymore. Indeed, there is still a need to execute the Run method of every Terraform command.

Let’s take the example of the Init command.

Let’s see the definition of the command by looking at the godoc:

type InitCommand struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

This command holds a substructure called Meta. Meta is defined here and holds the meta-options that are available on all or most commands. Obviously we need a Meta definition in the command to make it work properly.

For now, let’s add it to the grpcCommand globally, and we will see later how to implement it.

Here is the gRPC implementation of the contract:

type grpcCommands struct {
    meta command.Meta

func (g *grpcCommands) Init(ctx context.Context, in *pb.Arg) (*pb.Output, error) {
    // ...
    tfCommand := &command.InitCommand{
        Meta: g.meta,
    ret := int32(tfCommand.Run(in.Args))
    return &pb.Output{ret, stdout, stderr}, err

How to initialize the grpcCommand object

Now that we have a proper grpcCommand than can be registered to the grpc server, let’s see how to create an instance. As the grpcCommand only contains one field, we simply need to create a meta object.

Let’s simply copy/paste the code done in Terraform’s main package and we now have:

var PluginOverrides command.PluginOverrides
meta := command.Meta{
    Color:            false,
    GlobalPluginDirs: globalPluginDirs(),
    PluginOverrides:  &PluginOverrides,
    Ui:               &grpcUI{},
pb.RegisterTerraformServer(grpcServer, &grpcCommands{meta: meta})

According to the comments in the code, the globalPluginDirs() returns directories that should be searched for globally-installed plugins (not specific to the current configuration). I will simply copy the function into my main package

About the UI

In the example CLI that I developed in the previous post, what I did was to redirect stdout and stderr to an array of bytes, in order to capture it and send it back to a gRPC client. I noticed that this was not working with Terraform. This is because of the UI! UI is an interface whose purpose is to get the output stream and write it down to a specific io.Writer.

Our tool will need a custom UI.

A custom UI

As UI is an interface (see the doc here), it is easy to implement our own. Let’s define a structure that holds two array of bytes called stdout and stderr. Then let’s implement the methods that will write into this elements:

type grpcUI struct {
    stdout []byte
    stderr []byte

func (g *grpcUI) Output(msg string) {
    g.stdout = append(g.stdout, []byte(msg)...)

Note 1: I omit the methods Info, Warn, and Error for brevity.

Note 2: For now, I do not implement any logic into the Ask and AskSecret methods. Therefore, my client will not be able to ask something. But as gRPC is bidirectional, it would be possible to implement such an interaction.

Now, we can instantiate this UI for every call, and assign it to the meta-options of the command:

var stdout []byte
var stderr []byte
myUI := &grpcUI{
    stdout: stdout,
    stderr: stderr,
tfCommand.Meta.Ui = myUI

So far, so good: we now have a new Terraform binary, that is working via gRPC with a very little bit of code.

What did we miss?


It is fun but not usable for real purpose because the server needs to be launched from the directory where the tf files are… Therefore the service can only be used for one single Terraform stack… Come on!

Let’s change that and pass as a parameter of the RPC call the directory where the server needs to work. It is as simple as adding an extra argument to the message Arg:

message Arg {
    string workingDir = 1;
    repeated string args = 2;

and then, simply do a change directory in the implementation of the command:

func (g *grpcCommands) Init(ctx context.Context, in *pb.Arg) (*pb.Output, error) {
    err := os.Chdir(in.WorkingDir)
    if err != nil {
        return &pb.Output{int32(0), nil, nil}, err
    tfCommand := &command.InitCommand{
        Meta: g.meta,
    var stdout []byte
    var stderr []byte
    myUI := &grpcUI{
        stdout: stdout,
        stderr: stderr,
    ret := int32(tfCommand.Run(in.Args))
    return &pb.Output{ret, stdout, stderr}, err

Implementing a new push command

I have a Terraform service. Alright. Can an “Operator” use it?

The service we have deployed is working exactly like Terraform. I have only changed the user interface. Therefore, in order to deploy a stack, the ‘tf’ files must be present locally on the host.

Obviously we do not want to give access to the server that hosts Terraform. This is not how micro-services work.

Terraform has a push command that Hashicorp has implemented to communicate with Terraform enterprise. This command is linked with their close-source product called “Atlas” and is therefore useless for us.

Let’s take the same principle and implement our own push command.


The push command will zip all the tf files of the current directory in memory, and transfer the zip via a specific message to the server. The server will then decompress the zip into a unique temporary directory and send back the ID of that directory. Then every other Terraform command can use the id of the directory and use the stack (as before).

Let’s implement a protobuf contract:

service Terraform {
    // ...
    rpc Push(stream Body) returns (Id) {}

message Body {
    bytes zipfile = 1;

message Id {
    string tmpdir = 1;

Note: By now I assume that the whole zip can fit into a single message. I will probably have to implement chunking later

Then instantiate the definition into the code of the server:

func (g *grpcCommands) Push(stream pb.Terraform_PushServer) error {
    workdir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", ".terraformgrpc")
    if err != nil {
    return err
    err = os.Chdir(workdir)
    if err != nil {
    return err

    body, err := stream.Recv()
    if err == io.EOF || err == nil {
        // We have all the file
        // Now let's extract the zipfile
        // ...
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return stream.SendAndClose(&pb.Id{
            Tmpdir: workdir,

going further…

The problem with this architecture is that it’s stateful, and therefore easily scalable.

A solution would be to store the zip file in a third party service, identify it with a unique id. And then call the Terraform commands with this ID as a parameter. The Terraform engine would then grab the zip file from the third party service if needed and process the file

Implementing a micro-service of backend

I want to keep the same logic, therefore the storage service can be a gRPC microservice. We can then have different services (such as s3, google storage, dynamodb, NAS, …) written in different languages.

The Terraform service will act as a client of this “backend” service (take care, it is not the same backend as the one defined within Terraform).

Our Terraform-service can then be configured in runtime to call the host/port of the correct backend-service. We can even imagine the backend address being served via consul.

This is a work in progress and may be part of another blog post.

Hip1 is cooler than cool: Introducing Nhite

I have talked to some people about all this stuff and I feel that people are interested. Therefore I have setup a GitHub organisation and a GitHub project to centralize what I will do around that.

The project is called Nhite.

There is still a lot to do, but I really think that this could make sense to create a community. It may give a product by the end, or go in my attic of dead projects. Anyway, so far I’ve had a lot of fun!